Subcontractor Payment Declaration - T5018 Form


The Subcontractor Payment Declaration T5018 Form option is used to prepare the printed form to declare payments to subcontractors.






maestro* > Purchasing > Analysis and Inquiry > Supplier Reports > Subcontractor Payment Declaration - T5018 Form


To generate the Subcontractor Payment Declaration – T5018 Form report:

  1. Select the date range and supplier(s).


Only suppliers defined as subcontractors in Supplier Management are displayed in the list.

  1. Select a Recipient Type
    1. Government: The payer account number will be printed on the form and, if there is more than one subcontractor, they will be displayed two per page. This is the default value.
    2. Subcontractor: The payer account number will not be displayed on the form and, if there is more than on subcontractor, they will be displayed one per page only.
  2. Click Accept.
  3. View the list of subcontractors and confirm the amounts displayed before you print the file:


By default, the system checks all of the subcontractors selected in step 1.

  1. Click Accept.


The report viewer is displayed on the screen. You can save the file, send it by e-mail or print it.

You can adjust the amount declared if it is incorrect by entering an adjustment amount (positive or negative) in the Payment Declaration tab in Supplier Management. After making an adjustment in the supplier management option, you must repeat steps 1 to 4 above.


See also


Last modification: September 19, 2024